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Herb Simples - Sustainable Herbs


 Ethically and sustainably sourced from small partner farms


Working with Mother Earth

 Herbs are harvested from carefully selected locations with a focus on cleanliness (no chemicals/gmo's) and good energy--and no harm to the environment. Herb harvest and packaging is sustainable and herb sourcing is transparent. Wild plants are not over-harvested and we do not sell endangered plants.  

Why herb sourcing matters

Simple Teas and Herbals is a (very!) small company with a mission to ensure that the herbs we sell are transparently sourced and responsibly and sustainably harvested from clean locations.  We don't sell endangered plants and we work with small partner farms/harvest partners who follow sustainable practices and we pay harvest partners fairly.

The majority of the medicinal herbs used in the US are imported, primarily from India and eastern Europe (UN Trade Statistics Database).

While efforts are increasing on the part of herb supporters to increase transparency in sourcing to ensure fair trade practices and ethical and sustainable harvests, increased demand for these herbs is resulting in growing problems. 

In the US, overharvest of wild herbs for the domestic market has endangered many medicinal plants.  Ginseng is on the critical list and demand for white sage has grown so much that it too is endangered in the wild.  

A good resource to read more on this is

Almost all of the time, there are effective, non-endangered alternative medicinal plants that can be used instead of endangered plants.  

To find out more about Simple Teas and Herbals' transparent sourcing practices, see our partner web site at 

Our medicinal herbal products

Simple Teas and Herbals offers wild-harvested--and ethically harvested medicinal herbal teas, tinctures, honey infusion and some wonderful other herbal goodies. Our herbs come from a variety of traditional medicinal use:  African, Asian, European and Native American.   

What makes Simple Teas and Herbals different from others?  We promote conservation, we celebrate the wild--and we label the place of origin on our products.  See our blog "About our wild medicinal herbs".    

Upcoming vendor events

We occasionally do some vendor events and will be posting them here!  

We got approved!

Finished the state regulatory process!  Woohoo!  It took some time!   

Please see our blog on Simple Teas and Herbals, "About our wild medicinal herbs" for more information on this.                                     

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